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    inimical - Dictionary definition and meaning for word inimical

    (adj) not friendly
    Synonyms : unfriendly
    Example Sentence
    • an unfriendly act of aggression
    • an inimical critic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inimical

inimi=enemy, and enemies cause damage. So inimical means something damaging.

INIMICAL ~ inimi (sounds like ENEMY) + cal; Enemies are HOSTILE and of-course UNFRIENDLY.

amicable another GRE word meaning "FRIENDLY" and ini(NOT) aMICAbLe meaning "UNFRIENDLY" or "NOT FRIENDLY" .

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inimical reminds us of mimical.We sometimes mimic others in good humour. Inimical thus means something that shouldnt/cannot be mimicked.Unfriendly,Hostile

etymologically speaking, Inimical consists of "In(Opposite)"+"Amicus(Friend)";hence, not friendly. Remember the word "Amigo" in Spanish language means Friend

In+Mica, Mica the singer is unfriendly to Rakhi Sawant.

I all him to stage but he is doing inim i.e yes or no.

Interdict= inter (enter) + dic (dictionary) + t(turn).not entered turn in another way.

Predilection = pre + dile _ election; i.e if u donot give previously the election will not held.

inimical: "Enemy Kal" harmful ho sakta hai...

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