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   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infraction

a football player kicks someone and his bone is FRACTured. It's a violation, but not a crime hence infraction...

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in + fraction... fraction means tukdon main todna (hindi)... so so infraction mean rule ko todna

human has cut world "into fraction" of continents...this is most probably the worst "violation" of rule of nature ..

People who violate laws are IN FRACTION of the total population....

in- fraction 2/5 clearly breaks into 2..so to break damage something

Heart attack is called myocardial infraction probably bcoz there occurs a violation/breach of normal heart beat.

infraction-Leave in,give stress on "fraction" A fractious(disobeying)person always violate rules.

in exam u write integer(in) as sum of fractions(fraction) against the will of teacher...i.e. breach a law made by teacher.

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