• word of the day


    fidget - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fidget

    (noun) a feeling of agitation expressed in continual motion
    Synonyms : fidgetiness , restlessness
    Example Sentence
    • he's got the fidgets
    • waiting gave him a feeling of restlessness
    (verb) move restlessly
    Example Sentence
    • The child is always fidgeting in his seat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fidget

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fidget sounds freeze which mean stop moving whereas meaning of fidget is opposite i.e. move restlessly


When you get convulsions because he surfers from FITS, he shows continual motion in aggitation. Thus ; FID(tz) + GET

root word fid means faith as in fidelity, diffident so u GET conFIDent then u definately get rid of FIDGET

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