• word of the day


    fervent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fervent

    (adj) characterized by intense emotion
    Example Sentence
    • ardent love
    • an ardent lover
    • a fervent desire to change society
    • a fervent admirer
    • fiery oratory
    • an impassioned appeal
    • a torrid love affair
    (adj) extremely hot
    Synonyms : fervid
    Example Sentence
    • the fervent heat...merely communicated a genial warmth to their half-torpid systems
    • set out...when the fervid heat subsides
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fervent

fervent/fervid both can be remembered by February -specifically Feb14 when youngsters are quite emotional regarding V-Day.

ferv ..relate it with the word farvari (in hindi) means february... people born in february are very hot

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Good servents are devoted which means they are fervent

fervent the servant was really hot

fever .. aazadi ka bukhar(fever) is hot, zelous,

fervent sounds like furnace which is hot

it is seems like fever so when we get fever our body becomes too hot....

vent is like a chimney from which hot gases come out ..so fervent means extremely hot

Word used in video below:
text: sound very fervent walls have been made
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