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    enjoin - Dictionary definition and meaning for word enjoin

    (verb) issue an injunction Definition
    (verb) give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
    Synonyms : order , say , tell
    Example Sentence
    • I said to him to go home
    • She ordered him to do the shopping
    • The mother told the child to get dressed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for enjoin

EN(means to become) + join...you command and order people to join and become members of your group.

Some of us were ORDERED or COMMANDED to JOIN the armed forces, while some others were FORBIDDEN to do so.

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enjoin = enjoy + not...follow the order

its sounds like enjoying?? u'll say no if u r ordered to do something

: ENJOIN = EN(in)+JOIN(joining order). In joining order it was enjoined(ordered) to wear UNIFORM and enjoined(forbidden) from wearing sports shoes.

Enjoying???? Ohh th"en"-"join" the office right away...its an order..:P

en-join=='N'-join if u join the ends of letter N it becomes O-for order

come join...

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