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    embroil - Dictionary definition and meaning for word embroil

    (verb) force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action
    Synonyms : drag , drag in , sweep , sweep up , tangle
    Example Sentence
    • They were swept up by the events
    • don't drag me into this business
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for embroil

embroil=i m b(r)oil during dispute, quarrel, confusion. We get all boiled up due to great anger.

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Broil: To expose to great heat. Embroil: To involve in argument. "Embroil" sounds like "I am Broiled". ==> When I embroil, I feel like I am broiled.

"Wait... was I supposed to boil the chicken or broil it?" said the embroiled child

(th)em+br(a)+oil:: if u give them bra and oil ,they will be confused...and agitated..(PROVIDED they must be stupid enogh to know that the bra must be given to girlfriend and oil must be used for sex...)..and agitated....broiled..

em+broil......broil...close to boil......so when some one get boiled...one must be calm so that u dont force him/her into a conflict..

embroil=='em+broil i.e make them broil..force som1 to me heated with confusion

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