• word of the day


    dyspeptic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word dyspeptic

    (noun) a person suffering from indigestion Definition
    (adj) suffering from dyspepsia Definition
    (adj) irritable as if suffering from indigestion
    Synonyms : atrabilious , bilious , liverish
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for dyspeptic

dys (means not functioning properly) + peptic.. pepsin..is an ENZYME...WHICH BREAKS DOWN THE FOOD PARTICLES AND HELPS IN DIGESTION,...SO if this enzyme stops functioning..then the problem of INDIGESTION occures.

sounds like THIS PEPSI...I wont drink this pepsi because it may create indigestion to me.

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Note that many of the words with roots from body organs mean irritable. Examples: splenetic, spleen, bilious, dyspeptic, livery, and liverish.

dyspeptic = dys + peptic; dys ( means not) + peptic ( pepsin enzyme to help indigestion.

dy( dye= color filling) peptic= pepsi, U drank that dye pepsi, as a result u are suffering from indigestion.

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