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    discursive - Dictionary definition and meaning for word discursive

    (adj) proceeding to a conclusion by reason or argument rather than intuition
    Synonyms : dianoetic
    (adj) (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects
    Synonyms : digressive , excursive , rambling
    Example Sentence
    • amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things
    • a rambling discursive book
    • his excursive remarks
    • a rambling speech about this and that
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discursive

Think of it as cursive writing which deviates from the central point.

dis(means NOT)+CURSIVE(MEANS NEAT AND CLEAR)...so anything which is not clear and neat, is said to be discursive.ex a discursive novel.

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Cursive is flowing or running. Discursive is running or flowing away that is to wander away from the subject.

some1 who keeps going on an excursion...

DISCURSIVE=(DISCourage)ive or EXCURSIVE-->soomething which discourages us to read it because it is broad,lengthy,roundabout & away from the main point.

dis + curve >>> this curve is DEVIATING from a straight line..

DIS+CURSE ive: instead of being discussive, they are being DISCURSIVE, cursing one another that thie point is right

recursive = repeating the sake thing over and over...discursive = digressing from that thing

someone giving 'discourse' wanders away from subject

discursive = dis (not) + cursive; not showing curtsy, i.e deviate from normal.

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