• word of the day


    deleterious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word deleterious

    (adj) harmful to living things
    Synonyms : hurtful , injurious
    Example Sentence
    • deleterious chemical additives
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deleterious

relate it to DELETE...so you DELETE all the spam mails because they may BE HARMFUL to your PC.

Can be related to delete...Harmful substances must be deleted to prevent danger.

most of the VIRUS DELETE files and hence they are HARMFUL i.e DELETERIOUS

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If A deletes B then for B, A is harmful (Just imagine)


delete terrible to us- as in harmful

its sound like "serious"-if any person is serious it is HARMFUL to others..

seriously delete it because this virus is very harmful

anything deleterious is so evil it originally intends to delete you completely off the surface of the earth, but it is not so successful and only brings harm to you

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