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    circumspect - Dictionary definition and meaning for word circumspect

    (adj) heedful of potential consequences
    Synonyms : discreet
    Example Sentence
    • circumspect actions
    • physicians are now more circumspect about recommending its use
    • a discreet investor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for circumspect

circum(means circumstance)...spect(means to inspect)...so a kind of person who inspects circumstances before speaking, and such people are generally considered as prudent.

when a circle inspector inspects u, the nu would become prudent and cautious in ur action and thought..

Circum(circular i.e 360 degrees)+spec(spectacles)....when you watch things or circumstances from all angle, it means that you are wary and unwilling to take risks....

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circums - sounds like circumference of circle...go round...means who is cautious he ll not take shortcuts...he will go circuspect

Circumspect also means wary or cautious...circum(circumstance)+spect(spectacles)....when you see a circumstance with your spectacles, you are cautious....

One who is cautious will SUSPECT trouble and go around it: CIRCUM SUSPECT.

A clever person suspects around i.e circum+suspect=circumspect

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