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    bravado - Dictionary definition and meaning for word bravado

    (noun) a swaggering show of courage
    Synonyms : bluster
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bravado

Brava+Do = Act like brave but not brave. Pretended bravery

bravado ( braveness + for + darao/dikhao ) boldness intended to impress/intimidate

bravado sounds like johhny "Bravo" who pretended to be brave...but always failed :P

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if someone does a courageous act we applaud and say BRAVO!!...its like a lifestyle symbol for bravery

are koi is jhoothe ko bravery do !

Doing like a bravo person to show others and thus pretending.

Jhonny Bravo(cartoon). who pretends to be a brave person.but not.

generally most of them show a false show of bravery in front of girls

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