• word of the day


    bestow - Dictionary definition and meaning for word bestow

    (verb) present
    Synonyms : confer
    Example Sentence
    • The university conferred a degree on its most famous former student, who never graduated
    • bestow an honor on someone
    (verb) give as a gift Definition
    (verb) bestow a quality on
    Synonyms : add , bring , contribute , impart , lend
    Example Sentence
    • Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company
    • The music added a lot to the play
    • She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings
    • This adds a light note to the program
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bestow

(BESTOW) best people are bestowed with awards and trophies

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

This word sounds like best toy; when you give a BEST TOY TO your little brother, you basically confer your best wishes or your love to him by giving him a gift.

"best aao aur gift pao"(Hindi)

best + toe = the best gift to some1 u gave is ur toe ..!!

basically this word is taken from bestowen means..be + stowen means to place..so to place a gift for your friend...at her home...without letting her know....

If some body offer s.t(Schedule Tribe) certificate then one sound will come bestow.

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