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    bequeath - Dictionary definition and meaning for word bequeath

    (verb) leave or give by will after one's death
    Synonyms : leave , will
    Example Sentence
    • My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry
    • My grandfather left me his entire estate
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'be + qu + eath' before quick death, 'leave ur property to someone by a will'

divide it like-be(before)+queath(sounds like death)-->a father wrote a will before his death, that his all property should be given to his son.

lets break bequeath as be + queath....this queath is spells as quit... so be quit ( leaving) on our will.........

son to father: Q(kyun) u EAT all those rubbish stuff.what will happen if u would BE dying and i would then get nothing as a BEQUEST as u havent prepared a will yet

bequeath-chk the word,and visibilize eat in theword..u dont leave to somone by means of will,u do it urself rite..uhh..figure out death i.e. will!!!

be(before)+que(question)+at+h(heaven)by god leave the property in will for nominee

we can say BATA(Hindi means to distribute) AFTER DEATH

Relate like Be(Before) + Queath(Death): Someone must legally, have promised you BEFORE his/her DEATH to Bequeath some valuable things(after death) to you.

BE (or re regarding) QUE (question of, or issues related to) EATH (death or death AT Heaven). The issues are of will and inheritence.

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