• word of the day


    bagatelle - Dictionary definition and meaning for word bagatelle

    (noun) a light piece of music for piano Definition
    (noun) something of little value or significance
    Synonyms : fluff , frippery , frivolity
    (noun) a table game in which short cues are used to knock balls into holes that are guarded by wooden pegs; penalties are incurred if the pegs are knocked over
    Synonyms : bar billiards
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bagatelle

Beggar+taale(beggar ko aap taal dete hai)by giving an INSIGNIFICANT amount of money or a trifle.

bagatelle= bag+ate+tel, after i went home writing an exam, mom asked, TELl me this dear, u ATE lunch box in the BAG or not? i replied her saying that i didnt eat as i felt it is NOT VERY IMPORTANT before an exam with out reading

sounds like BAG+HOTEL > a BAG left in HOTEL > not carried with us > it's not important,insignificant ,trifle

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beggar having telephone(mobile)is now a common issue and has little significance

In telugu baaga means more and tell means speak...so a person who blurts out more is considered to be a cycophant and is talks get obsequios and is not given importance

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