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    axiomatic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word axiomatic

    (adj) evident without proof or argument
    Example Sentence
    • an axiomatic truth
    • we hold these truths to be self-evident
    (adj) containing aphorisms or maxims
    Synonyms : aphoristic
    Example Sentence
    • axiomatic wisdom
    (adj) of or relating to or derived from axioms
    Synonyms : axiomatical , postulational
    Example Sentence
    • axiomatic physics
    • the postulational method was applied to geometry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for axiomatic

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Earth is rotating on it's own AXIS,a MATHE matical statement,that need not be proved

matheMATICs (axioMATIC)is not obvious or self- evident to me :(

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text: axiomatic
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