• word of the day


    arbitrary - Dictionary definition and meaning for word arbitrary

    (adj) based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice
    Example Sentence
    • an arbitrary decision
    • the arbitrary rule of a dictator
    • an arbitrary penalty
    • of arbitrary size and shape
    • an arbitrary choice
    • arbitrary division of the group into halves
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< Latin arbitrarius "uncertain, depending on the judgment of an arbiter" < arbiter "judge

'a+bit+tray' flowing of bits in a tray... randomly

Just try remind "arbitrarily" (which we use often in regular speaking) means "a reckless manner".

aaj-bhi-teri maan ni padegi...tyranical or unreasonable command..

(Arbitrary) It sounds Like 'orbit', to find your perfect orbit through a random chance.

ARBITRARY<===> मनमाना (pr. \\manamana \\ )[Adjective] Example:The arbitrary nominations by the party chief were widely criticised by the members.

[arbitrary sounds like contrary]..We might also consider contrary ideas; the decision will be based on situation-"arbitrary"

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