• word of the day


    antic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word antic

    (noun) a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
    Synonyms : caper , joke , prank , put-on , trick
    (verb) act as or like a clown
    Synonyms : clown , clown around
    (adj) ludicrously odd
    Example Sentence
    • Hamlet's assumed antic disposition
    • fantastic Halloween costumes
    • a grotesque reflection in the mirror
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for antic

antic can be think as anti-c. anti means opposite and c stands for culture. so antic means anti-culture which is extremely odd

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AUNTYc....aunty jaisa behavior...most of the auntys are stupid. The way the make up, talk its bombastic and stupid

Antic = Exotic

if u place an antique with new things...it looks odd...like odd man out....;)

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