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   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aggrandize

grand- this resembles to somthing huge,great,wealthy.

aggrandize ~ aggregate + grand; aggregating things...is similar to adding details

aggrandize,AGG always related to INCREASE in size

aggrandize = [agg]ressive + grand + ize means: increase sth excessively, IZE means it's a verb

aggendize sounds like a grand eye, like person watching painting with a grand eye finding some lacking therefore adding details

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grand in the middle sounds like grand father.so,we will get fame from our grandparents popularity sometimes.

Ag-grand~grind which means convert in powdery form .. which means to intensify the concentration .. and so is the meaning :increase or intensify

aggrand = en-grand (enlarge)

aggrandize ~ ag+grand+eyes = make someone seem grander/greater in others eyes by raising power etc.

AGGRANDIZEMENT<===> शक्ति अथवा पदवी बढाना (pr. \\shakti athava padavi baDhana \\ )[Noun] Example:Her sole aim is personal aggrandizement.

aggrandize = a GRAND SIZE

To make sthing GRAND, AGGRANDIZE it

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