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    abject - Dictionary definition and meaning for word abject

    (adj) of the most contemptible kind
    Synonyms : low , low-down , miserable , scummy , scurvy
    Example Sentence
    • abject cowardice
    • a low stunt to pull
    • a low-down sneak
    • his miserable treatment of his family
    • You miserable skunk!
    • a scummy rabble
    • a scurvy trick
    (adj) most unfortunate or miserable
    Example Sentence
    • the most abject slaves joined in the revolt
    • abject poverty
    (adj) showing utter resignation or hopelessness
    Synonyms : unhopeful
    Example Sentence
    • abject surrender
    (adj) showing humiliation or submissiveness
    Example Sentence
    • an abject apology
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abject

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Abject sounds like REJECT. Poor people are like REJECTED (Abject) people in the society. poor people or people lacking pride (abject people) are rejected in society

abject sounds like reject if any person is rejected in job he/she will feel hopless and wil be in miserable condition

Abject sounds like Reject...hopeless person is always rejected

'Submissive' ppl are treated as mere OBJECTS THAT ARE OWNED (compare object wid ABJECT) and less humane..

interpret "abject " as opposite to OBJECT...Wen we think of object immediately it strikes that object is a point or thing ..so point or thing has got some location or some reference to it..so opposite to reference and hope is hopeless or miserable.

One social object is to reduce abject poverty.

"ab+ject"something opposite to inject,in+ject,inject means induces something, abject means not inducing so, no self respect,no feeling.life is degraded due to lack of blood without injecting..

ABJECT IS AB+ JECT, wich is spoken as jack.... so a person having no jack at all lacks pride and is wretched in society

interpret "abject " as opposite to OBJECT...Wen we think of object immediately it strikes that object is a point or thing ..so point or thing has got some location or some reference to it..so opposite to no reference and no hope that is miserable o

abject sounds like ab + eject, ab means away eject means throw so abject means thrown away, losers are thrown away, for example an abject loser

abject -ab not or away and ject means jacket relate to people of nepal living in abject poverty so unable to buy jacketabject -ab not or away and ject means jacket relate to people of nepal living in abject poverty so unable to bu

A DEJECTED (depressed) person will be in ABJECTED state of condition/mind.


your Object is so Abject! Aim higher or you will be rejected


Abject-not(A) having any objection.

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