• word of the day


    cadaverous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cadaverous

    (adj) very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
    Synonyms : bony , emaciated , gaunt , haggard , pinched , skeletal , wasted
    Example Sentence
    • emaciated bony hands
    • a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys
    • eyes were haggard and cavernous
    • small pinched faces
    • kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration
    (adj) of or relating to a cadaver or corpse
    Synonyms : cadaveric
    Example Sentence
    • we had long anticipated his cadaverous end
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cadaverous

the presence of a carnivorous(feeding on flesh) makes you cadaverous.

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you may relate the word with kadha(a hindi word) (a yuck tasting drink you are forcefully made to drink if you are ill) cadaverous = kada + rus = sick looking person

Devar is cadaverous and may turn into a cadaver

Dave studying cad, iam aver he will look like dead body pale & dull

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