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    wreak - Dictionary definition and meaning for word wreak

    (verb) cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
    Synonyms : bring , make for , play , work
    Example Sentence
    • I cannot work a miracle
    • wreak havoc
    • bring comments
    • play a joke
    • The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wreak

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wreak sounds like break..so if you break somebody head...you will definately be inflicted some punishment

WRECK=WREAK...wreck is used in relation to a ship,aeroplane...wreckage of ship on sea water

wreak<>freak- freak commits lot of stupid mistakes and he gets punished for it

WREAK sounds like break. when you break something you "cause" (damage)

Wreak sounds like creak...the ship creaked when the pirates wreaked havoc on it.

Word used in video below:
text: was my idea, I've got havoc to wreak.
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