• word of the day


    vindicate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word vindicate

    (verb) show to be right by providing justification or proof
    Synonyms : justify
    Example Sentence
    • vindicate a claim
    (verb) maintain, uphold, or defend
    Example Sentence
    • vindicate the rights of the citizens
    (verb) clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof
    Example Sentence
    • You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vindicate

vidicate....split it like vin(WIN) + di(the) + cate(case)....so when you win a case IN a COURT...it means you are freed FROM ACCUSATION AND CHARGES...you are freed from blame.

take it like WIN THE CASE=VINDICATE;and this means you are happy tht you won the case wn you are clear from blame

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basically this word is taken from vindicare means to lay claim ..so you lay claim that you have not done anything....so shd be freed from accusation.

Vindicate and authenticate are rhyming words meaning (prove genuineness, the truth).

win + advocate = vindicate

split as Win + Addicted >>> when someone is win addictive, she/he gives proofs of his innocence anyhow, and finally wins in most cases and gets free from all claims..


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