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    vicarious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word vicarious

    (adj) experienced at secondhand
    Example Sentence
    • read about mountain climbing and felt vicarious excitement
    (adj) occurring in an abnormal part of the body instead of the usual site involved in that function
    Example Sentence
    • vicarious menstruation
    (adj) suffered or done by one person as a substitute for another
    Example Sentence
    • vicarious atonement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vicarious

We do things for the people "we care". We appreciate things that "we care for".

sounds like VICEROY who is just governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign.

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Vicarious and precarious. It is precarious (unsafe) to use a substitute (vicarious) medicine unless the doctor prescribes it.

very curious person keep asking questions and gains experience through these questions(and answers by other)

Vicarious= Vicky and ricky. Vicky made a goal and Ricky felt a vicarious thrill.

vicar-ious: विकार + ious विकार means any (bodily) abnormality in hindi

why(vi)+ carry(cari)+us(ous).Imagine urself saying to someone else why carry us ...take our substitute with you.

vicarious is like " WHY CARE ELSE?"...the answer is to experience their feelings as ours

VICARIOUS...WE(VI)+CARE+about US and sometime, do each others work, by ACTING AS A SUBSTITUTE.

vicars get *** pleasure by going to watch films about sex

vicarious :vi = brother(in bangla), car i(s) ou(r)s, we use brother car as a substituate.

Vicar is a relegious person, Whatever he do, Whatever he say it is done "indirectly".

telugu: vikaram:uneasy feeling.. i get vicarious feeling when i read ur sufferings

we + carious >>> as my friend passed away, i took care of his parents and tried to be like their son(just acted like a substitute)...

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