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    verdant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word verdant

    (adj) characterized by abundance of verdure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for verdant

Animals with BADA DANT eat greenery.

ver = true verd = green verb = words

VARDAAN(blessing)...green colour is ablessing...green vegetables,trees,hills....

Its a VERDAN to sit on grass, away from this fast,hectic,competitive life ! isnt it?

Verdant (greenery) and exuberant (growing profusely)...the exuberant wild flowers of the verdant rain forest.

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simple here the clue is green ,right??hav you ever imagined or have seen a weird+ant which is green in color??

'verdant'='verdure'+'ant'; '-ant' means 'full of' so 'verdant' means full of verdure.

verdant - coVER the dent in the bus with green leaves

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