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    valor - Dictionary definition and meaning for word valor

    (noun) the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle)
    Example Sentence
    • he showed great heroism in battle
    • he received a medal for valor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for valor

valor resembles "jailer" who is very brave as he has to deal with notorious criminals. valor==jailer

valor rhymes with sailor, who are used by kings to fight from sea side & they are very courageous.

Valor sounds like vellore university.... its really courageous decision to take drop and to study for its entrance.......

Change valor into vallant. Vallant=Gallant, both meaning courageous, brave.

valor :: warrior so he must sow bravery

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Seinfeld: Remember when george saved a whales life? just to show that he is marine biologist.... that was vailor or vailant

Sergeant VALERI of this TV show is a brave woman

Valor=Rathore.Sounds similar.In Rowdy Rathore Akshay Kumar is BRAVE(VALOR)

Word used in video below:
text: what selfless act of valor did Bates
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