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    unrequited - Dictionary definition and meaning for word unrequited

    (adj) not returned in kind
    Synonyms : unanswered , unreciprocated
    Example Sentence
    • unrequited (unanswered) love
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unrequited

Requim for a dream movie ... like that obly .. un-answered or no action for the dream .. u can relate like this

UN(not)RE(return)QUITed........means NOT RETURNED after quiting the relationship

unrequited~uncommitted - an uncommitted person quits the relationship without giving back as much ...

where teacher is saying all students ,jiska file check howa they can quit from here bubt jina unrequited hai plz dont quit from here

unrequited-> not re quitting job, not reciprocating for his lover quited.

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Unrequited and Unrewarded are similar in sound and they both mean, not returned.

unrequited->similar to unrequired which means not required..when you dont require feelings..they are not reciprocated

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