• word of the day


    succinct - Dictionary definition and meaning for word succinct

    (adj) briefly giving the gist of something
    Synonyms : compact , compendious , summary
    Example Sentence
    • a short and compendious book
    • a compact style is brief and pithy
    • succinct comparisons
    • a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for succinct

SUCK+INK - brief/summary of story sucks less ink on the paper

when you suck juice out of a carton it becomes less, so brief terse or compact

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Sounds like HINT ie short reference to somthng ir gist

it has word in between " sucess " we used to find short cut for success ek raat pehle study karna is also an example of many talented guys

I succed at Statistics, so my involvement inct was brief.

Sounds like sachin who has short height! :)

sucks int(precisely integer value only 2 bytes)

succ sounds like suck up, inct sounds like int or say point a SUCked up version and to the poINT

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