• word of the day


    subterfuge - Dictionary definition and meaning for word subterfuge

    (noun) something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
    Synonyms : blind
    Example Sentence
    • he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge
    • the holding company was just a blind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subterfuge

subterfuge: 'sub taraf fuse', if you see electrical fuses everywhere its certainly a misrepresentation, and not the true nature of connections

subterfuge -> sab ko fool.. i.e fooling everyone..

fuge means to emit, as in centrifuge. sub (internally) + ter (terrible) + fuge (throw out) i.e., internally terrible but externally not.

Shob tar fuse - ami je current er tar gula kinsi tar shob tai fuse -> cheat, false

sub(in hindi 'all')+r(e)fugee....sub log(ppl.)PRETENDED as if they were refugees

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it can be sab(hindi)+te+refuse ....means k sab mana karne k liye bahane banane lage...

subterfuge -> sattar (70) fools so easy to fool to blind.. mu hahaha

SUBTERFUGE = SUBMARINE. SUBMARINES are used to deceive the enemy.

In Latin subter-'beneath' and fuge- 'flee' so subterfuge is to escape secretly without alerting others and thus deceiving others.

She SUBbed TURkey (ter), which I'm allergic to, for my USual (uge) ham to deceptively get me sick.

sub-ter-fuge : under cover "Err"ant refuge - evasion or pretense

sub(inner side) can differ(misrepresenting) from the original (0uter side) of human

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