• word of the day


    subside - Dictionary definition and meaning for word subside

    (verb) wear off or die down
    Synonyms : lessen
    Example Sentence
    • The pain subsided
    (verb) sink to a lower level or form a depression
    Example Sentence
    • the valleys subside
    (verb) sink down or precipitate
    Synonyms : settle
    Example Sentence
    • the mud subsides when the waters become calm
    (verb) descend into or as if into some soft substance or place
    Synonyms : sink
    Example Sentence
    • He sank into bed
    • She subsided into the chair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for subside

imagine there is a violent mob.the police comes to make them settle down.there first dialogue to the mob will be SUB SIDE ho..

sub pange se side le lena,ie: become less active or intense

compare with subsidy which means reduces

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