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    straggle - Dictionary definition and meaning for word straggle

    (noun) a wandering or disorderly grouping (of things or persons)
    Example Sentence
    • a straggle of outbuildings
    • a straggle of followers
    (verb) wander from a direct or straight course
    Synonyms : depart , digress , sidetrack
    (verb) go, come, or spread in a rambling or irregular way
    Synonyms : sprawl
    Example Sentence
    • Branches straggling out quite far
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for straggle

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Straggle is like struggle. <br> i.e., wayward, lagging etc.,

I told all the people to stand in a queue, which could have a maximum of 50 people, but an EXTRA Girl came and she had to stand outside the queue. She is a straggling.

Rags are unusual dress. so stRAGgle from your group if your are wearing rags.

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