• word of the day


    staccato - Dictionary definition and meaning for word staccato

    (adj) (music) marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds; cut short crisply
    Synonyms : disconnected
    Example Sentence
    • staccato applause
    • a staccato command
    • staccato notes
    (adv) separating the notes; in music
    Example Sentence
    • play this staccato, please
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for staccato

++Imajeeth When the cat suddenly jumps on to the stack, it makes an abrupt sharp sound.

staccato sounds like potato.....so when u eat lots of potatoes u'll make sharp abrupt sound (like burps)

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when u stac(struck) a cat it makes a sharp sound

sitar ko kato ...to usme se kate hue disconnected music niklegi ...hehe

staccto can be split as stac(k)+cat+to....when the cats in the stack(shelf) were asked to make sound wat u heard was A DISCONNECTED SOUND


when walked in stilettos on the wooden floor, it makes sharp detached sound.

staccato - stuck + kato = stuck + kato ( in kannada it means to hear )

staccato= cat on the stack of the book o it will break the books.

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