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    splurge - Dictionary definition and meaning for word splurge

    (noun) an ostentatious display (of effort or extravagance etc.) Definition
    (noun) any act of immoderate indulgence
    Synonyms : binge , orgy
    Example Sentence
    • an orgy of shopping
    • an emotional binge
    • a splurge of spending
    (verb) indulge oneself
    Synonyms : fling
    Example Sentence
    • I splurged on a new TV
    (verb) be showy or ostentatious
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for splurge

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when that special girl urges you to buy something prodigal, you buy it

SPL(specialy)+urge..u r urging sply bcz u hav no mony..spnt al dat u hav abd urging fr more...so spending more,extravagant

Word used in video below:
text: well i'd finally splurge and buy myself
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