• word of the day


    spectral - Dictionary definition and meaning for word spectral

    (adj) of or relating to a spectrum
    Example Sentence
    • spectral colors
    • spectral analysis
    (adj) resembling or characteristic of a phantom
    Example Sentence
    • a ghostly face at the window
    • a phantasmal presence in the room
    • spectral emanations
    • spiritual tappings at a seance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for spectral

Spectrum(2G) has become a worst nightmare to the government.

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spectral -> spec (noc) + t(u)r(n)al ->nocturnal : At night you get spectral thoughts ! Not a direct/easy mnemonic , but something is better than nothing !

spectral== we can say spectrum which is caused by light of different colors..so if we impose spectrum on something or someone one he or she will be likely to be spectral.

spectral - that which is real, only when seen with a special specs! - or something spectacularly unreal - ghostly

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