• word of the day


    sophistry - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sophistry

    (noun) a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone
    Synonyms : sophism , sophistication
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sophistry

so physics is = chemistry.. its a false logic

sophistry - so fishy trick


remember"sophisticated".... looks eloquent and eloborate..but logically invalid...

Sophistry = HISToRY Paper lo SOlu raasi pass avvanam.

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Grow a "sofa" on a "tree", is a sophistry

so you have fish tree;hmm sounds clever n pleasing but it can't be true

STOP HIS TRY because it is not possible

so+physical+try -arguing false (phyisical argumaent not from his heart)

SOP history = SOP is history as its always full of chicanery

Sop + history >>> in history, many students going for MS have written cleverly some achievements which are actually false... relate this..

History - is a suject in wich we read facts.. they ll appear plaisible but may be fallacious..

SO a FISH TREE, he said, will solve the problems of polluted oceans, while still providing wood. But the Congress saw through his sophistry, and denied his request for a subsidy.

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