• word of the day


    sift - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sift

    (verb) move as if through a sieve
    Example Sentence
    • The soldiers sifted through the woods
    (verb) separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements
    Synonyms : sieve , strain
    Example Sentence
    • sift the flour
    (verb) check and sort carefully
    Synonyms : sieve
    Example Sentence
    • sift the information
    (verb) distinguish and separate out
    Synonyms : sieve
    Example Sentence
    • sift through the job candidates
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sift

leave - left sieve - seft

SIFT - SELECT or analyze, examine carefully.

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Seperate IF Tea only good

le'ave : le'ft si'eve : si'ft

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