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    sedentary - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sedentary

    (adj) requiring sitting or little activity
    Example Sentence
    • forced by illness to lead a sedentary life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sedentary

dentary- dentist u require a lot of sitting to make ur teeth healthy

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"sed"iment means dust that sits.

sedentary sounds similar to dysentery..whch requires sitting..

SEDENTARY is to be almost STATIONARY because all work is done while you are seated at one place, with very little or no movement at all.

sedent - sediment

the fat man sat on the car and iy got a DENT

Sounds like "Sit" + "Entry" which is the job of a watchman. Hence his job is requiring sitting.

sedan is a type of car. Spell it as SEDEN-TRY means try a car = ofcourse u'll NEED to SIT in the car to try it. so SEDENTARY = REQUIRE SITTING. :) simple :)

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