• word of the day


    secession - Dictionary definition and meaning for word secession

    (noun) an Austrian school of art and architecture parallel to the French art nouveau in the 1890s
    Synonyms : sezession
    (noun) the withdrawal of eleven southern states from the Union in 1860 which precipitated the American Civil War Definition
    (noun) formal separation from an alliance or federation
    Synonyms : withdrawal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for secession

Due to recession in US, many WITHDRAWN their business...

Secede is the opposite of "Proceed".

hey think of recession as in secession during which the investments were withdrawn...

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SECESSION or RENUNCIATION or RESIGNATION is to withdraw from a membership.

sounds like 'Cessation' meaning discontinution...

recess-temporary break.. secess-permanent break...

secession(withdraw) = se + cession(yeild) kinda opposite

sector separation

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