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    sagacious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sagacious

    (adj) acutely insightful and wise
    Synonyms : perspicacious , sapient
    Example Sentence
    • much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument
    • observant and thoughtful, he was given to asking sagacious questions
    • a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to educators
    (adj) skillful in statecraft or management
    Example Sentence
    • an astute and sagacious statesman
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sagacious look like suggest us.....and we always ASK WISE PEOPLE to suggest us, whenever we are in trouble.

sage-a-cious a sage is wise and learned

saga+cious—SAGA means legend, so anything that is old/legend will have expierence and will be SKILLFULL IN MANAGEMENT AND JUDGEMENT

SAGACIOUS or INTELLIGENCE which sound somewhat similar refer to someone who is wise, perceptive.

sagacious means acutely wise,sharp,insightful,skillful.It has word 'saga'which means a narrative story(mytholpgical).In Mahabharat epic, u obeserved how Srikrishna delivered wise lectures,sharp suggestions,skilful arts to Arjuna.

saag(palak ka saag) khao sagacious ho jao.

A SAGE is a wise man: The SAGE is GAY: Let's all PRAY the GAY out of the SAGE.

Wise people narrates a SAGA of their experiences. Hence - SAGAcious

Sagacious person knows SAAG sad gaya hai

sagacious -sagai (engagement) is done to the schrewd or clever man

The man who brought saga from the saga & sagi is a skillful person.

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