• word of the day


    row - Dictionary definition and meaning for word row

    (noun) an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line
    Example Sentence
    • a row of chairs
    (noun) an angry dispute
    Synonyms : dustup , quarrel , run-in , words , wrangle
    Example Sentence
    • they had a quarrel
    • they had words
    (noun) a long continuous strip (usually running horizontally)
    Example Sentence
    • a mackerel sky filled with rows of clouds
    • rows of barbed wire protected the trenches
    (noun) (construction) a layer of masonry
    Synonyms : course
    Example Sentence
    • a course of bricks
    (noun) a linear array of numbers, letters, or symbols side by side Definition
    (noun) a continuous chronological succession without an interruption
    Example Sentence
    • they won the championship three years in a row
    (noun) the act of rowing as a sport
    Synonyms : rowing
    (verb) propel with oars
    Example Sentence
    • row the boat across the lake
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for row

When you sit in a row with your enimies you argue and quarrel

Word used in video below:
text: two in a row you gotta use your tongues
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