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    rhetoric - Dictionary definition and meaning for word rhetoric

    (noun) using language effectively to please or persuade Definition
    (noun) high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation
    Example Sentence
    • the grandiosity of his prose
    • an excessive ornateness of language
    (noun) loud and confused and empty talk
    Example Sentence
    • mere rhetoric
    (noun) study of the technique and rules for using language effectively (especially in public speaking)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rhetoric

<br> rhetoric = "right oral" skills. If you have the right oral skills, you can communicate well.

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RHETORIC is right oral skills with little real sound knowledge

rhetorical questn is a questn which does not expects any ans frm t listener, bt provokes him to think on it just like putting him in words and entangling him.. its an art of communication (in hindi like shabdo ke jaal mein fasana)

rhe(re) tori c(communication)effective hai yar..

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