• word of the day


    resplendent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word resplendent

    (adj) having great beauty and splendor
    Example Sentence
    • a glorious spring morning
    • a glorious sunset
    • splendid costumes
    • a kind of splendiferous native simplicity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for resplendent

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resPlENDENT: Pendent, if gold, is shining and glowing...

word 'resplendent' is synonym of 'splendid'. (focus on 'splend' in both the words)

resplendent looks and sounds like splendid. Word gives out the definition itself.

re(again)+splende splende bike if drive again & again it is very inressive to us

ReSplendent - Really Splendid..!!

Resplendent: Re splend (splendor bike) is looks dazzling and it is so economic that itis a brilliant choice to buy

splendid pendant

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