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    resilient - Dictionary definition and meaning for word resilient

    (adj) recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like Definition
    (adj) elastic; rebounds readily
    Synonyms : bouncy , live , lively , springy
    Example Sentence
    • clean bouncy hair
    • a lively tennis ball
    • as resilient as seasoned hickory
    • springy turf
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for resilient

Resilient=RE(recover)+ EASILY+BENT. So, RESILIENT means something which RECOVERS EASILY when BENT.

re"SEAL"ient...sounds as in M SEAL"ient...which can be elastic and easily bent...hahahah

re + silent >>> when teacher makes small kids silent, they again make noise... ie they BOUNCE BACK WITH noise.. or rebellions sounding >>> rebellions BOUNCE BACK after they are curbed and that too again n again.

RESILIENt sounds like BRAZILIAN. Remember Brazilians dace moves , they bend; flexibility !!

"See how Lenient"...flexible..easily bent..

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