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    redoubtable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word redoubtable

    (adj) inspiring fear
    Synonyms : formidable , unnerving
    Example Sentence
    • the formidable prospect of major surgery
    • a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic
    • something unnerving and prisonlike about high grey wall
    (adj) worthy of respect or honor
    Example Sentence
    • born of a redoubtable family
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for redoubtable

redoubtable can be re+doubt(able)..so if you have REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the exam, it might CAUSE FEAR

it can be splitted like re+doubt+able considering which can show that the thing which is able to create doubt again and again.and those things always create fear..

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Someone who is ABLE to READ your DOUBTS without you even expressing them is awe-inspiring and worthy of honor.

Means REpeated-Doubts that one cannot answer, and it causes fear. Likewise,one who can clear all the doubts at a shot is highly worthy & respectable (sec meaning)

we FEAR and think to RE-DOUBT on a respectABLE person

Sounds like <B>red audible</B>. A quarterback that is confident enough to call audibles is deserving of respect/honor. Also, audibles are sometimes used as an intimidation factor, or in other words to stir a slight fear.

REDOUBTABLE - worthy of respect and honor. It sounds like - RED OUT TABLE , only people who are worthy of respect were invited to dine in the RED TABLE THAT IS OUT.

Re + Doubt able >> If some is in re and re doubt passing in some subject, it creates a fear in exam about that subject

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