• word of the day


    quirk - Dictionary definition and meaning for word quirk

    (noun) a strange attitude or habit
    Synonyms : crotchet , oddity , queerness , quirkiness
    (noun) a narrow groove beside a beading Definition
    (verb) twist or curve abruptly
    Example Sentence
    • She quirked her head in a peculiar way
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quirk

Sounds like "quick" (sharp turn).

<BR>A clerk <BR>walking in murk <BR>he hit something and got a knee-jerk <BR>he bent to see, what did he hit <BR>from a lamp some smoke emit. <BR>Genni appeared and told the clerk, <BR>it is a QUIRK <BR>ask for any 3 perk.

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QUI(kyon)RK(rukta)...kyon koi SHARP TURN par rukta nahin hai??

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