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    puerile - Dictionary definition and meaning for word puerile

    (adj) of or characteristic of a child
    Example Sentence
    • puerile breathing
    (adj) displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
    Synonyms : adolescent , jejune , juvenile
    Example Sentence
    • adolescent insecurity
    • jejune responses to our problems
    • their behavior was juvenile
    • puerile jokes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for puerile

PURE things are always childish and immature.

PUERILE=PURE+CHILD. A child is always pure so puerile means childish.

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

virile is manly n puerile is childish (not manly)

(Call it pe urine which is a childish thing to do)


puerile sounds like pure as well as peril. pure as a child and peril denotes a negative connotation with this word which must be remembered other wise usage will be completely wrong

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