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    propound - Dictionary definition and meaning for word propound

    (verb) put forward, as of an idea
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for propound

propo(propose) + ound(round) = what do we propose at a round table, an idea, guys :)

PRO- POUND.. The new minister for Science & technology was an ardent PROPONENT to PROPOUND that the POUND be the official weight standard in india.. his slogan-"PRO-POUND!!"

Pro (Forward) + Pound (Weight) -> Propound is to put forward an idea to be weighed.

u Found something which u propound

PROfessional POUNDing, is what you get when you put forth your idea for analysis.

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Propound opposite of impound. You car is impounded by the police for analysis. Or you propound your car for analysis.

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