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    propensity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word propensity

    (noun) an inclination to do something
    Synonyms : leaning , tendency
    Example Sentence
    • he felt leanings toward frivolity
    (noun) a natural inclination
    Synonyms : leaning , proclivity
    Example Sentence
    • he has a proclivity for exaggeration
    (noun) a disposition to behave in a certain way
    Synonyms : aptness
    Example Sentence
    • the aptness of iron to rust
    • the propensity of disease to spread
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for propensity

now a days people are inclined towards "CITY" dats y thery r migrating from villages....

prop + city = people get propelled towards city only because of strong inclination towards city life

(PRO+PEN)a PRO has a natural tendancy to hold the PEN in the way he can do caligarphy(art of good writing)

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"popins"(candy) deke log bachchon ko behla-fusla ke le jate hain....coz they know dat kids hav "natural inclination" 4 it....

pro+pen+sity . can a pen stand straight. to make it stand ,it is always inclined to some support

PROPANE+CITY; violation is more inclined,susceptible to happen in cities , than Villages !

root form is propend (now obsolete).. pend rhymes with bend.. meaning inclined

prop out of city (prop= coming out) . people are attracted towards luxury so they are moving to city. so prop out of city = propensity means tendency to go towrds,

Propelled(drive or push forward)+city=so u are driven to city that is inclined to city life

Remember a pen that you like. ex parker. pen is keyword in propensity and penchant

because of various kinds of pollution, people are moving out(PROP)from city(ENSITY) to villages and calm places in search of tranquility.


To get (PRO)per PEN villagers have to go to CITY.

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