• word of the day


    promulgate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word promulgate

    (verb) state or announce
    Synonyms : exclaim , proclaim
    Example Sentence
    • `I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed
    • The King will proclaim an amnesty
    (verb) put a law into effect by formal declaration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for promulgate

Prom (promote)+ul+gate. So promoting something out of the gate, i.e. to make known by opening the gate (or opening declaration) to everyone out there.

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prom+ul+gate -> prom night will happen tomorrow was announced at school's gate

by the law........ gates have been closed on the prom

Amul-gate : A scandal regarding AMUL .. It has to be known to public through official publication so that the public do not use their products

if u r suffering from gas problems,before(pro) u answer nature's call through ur mul(excreta in hindi),u publcly declare it by spreading gases and polluting the atmosphere

pro-mulga-te. Mulga paida hua, so announce it to the world.

promulgate = pro + mul + gate; In the main gate something is written over in the board by order stick no bill, thus put into law.

in ur Prom night, U'll walk through the Gate of honor to spread the notion of the beauty among the jealous crowd

During earlier times, if a family had a male child(called as MULGA in marathi) then they would be happy and PUBLISH in newspapers.. :P so proMULGAte..

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