• word of the day


    pretentious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pretentious

    (adj) making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction
    Example Sentence
    • a pretentious country house
    • a pretentious fraud
    • a pretentious scholarly edition
    (adj) intended to attract notice and impress others
    Synonyms : ostentatious
    Example Sentence
    • an ostentatious sable coat
    (adj) (of a display) tawdry or vulgar
    Synonyms : ostentatious
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pretentious

Pretentious is someone who is Pretending


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She is pretending to be rich to gain everyone's attention.

pretentious sounds similar to ostentatious 2 pretentious = pre + tentious (tension) she is pretending to be in tension of being kissed by her boyfriend but inside she is happy she is showing and gaing attension JAI SHRI RAM

Word used in video below:
text: I've always found whiskey-tasting pretentious.
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