• word of the day


    preempt - Dictionary definition and meaning for word preempt

    (noun) a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding
    Synonyms : pre-empt , preemptive bid
    (verb) acquire for oneself before others can do so Definition
    (verb) take the place of or have precedence over
    Synonyms : displace
    Example Sentence
    • live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour
    • discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor
    (verb) gain possession of by prior right or opportunity, especially so as to obtain the right to buy (land) Definition
    (verb) make a preemptive bid in the game of bridge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preempt

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PRE+EMPTY = force to empty a place in order to occupy a prior right to buy.

PREEMPTIVE MEASURES :measures taken b4 sth gets worse or to prevent mishap

divide it like - PRE(means BEFORE) + EMPT(EMPTY)......IMAGINE YOU get the news that there is a bomb in your room.... you EMPTY the ROOM WITHOUT DETECTING IT ..so as to PREVENT, in advance, any kind of mishap.

(pre+attempt) attempt(empt) and acquire land or something earlier(pre)inorder to prevent others from acquiring it. You can also imagine that after buying u have replaced the earlier landlord.That counts for another meaning.

Preemptive sounds like preventive

preempt = pre + empt = pre + employ = employ or act in advance

basically it is taken from praeemere means to buy before others comes and purchase it...SO YOU buy IN ADVANCE INORDER to prevent COMPETITION, YOU DISPLACE others by buying that land.

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